6 years ago

Gold Sponsor at the Charity Digital Tech Conference

Stuart Cripps-Schnoor

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We are pleased to announce that we are a gold sponsor at the Charity Digital Tech Conference taking place Wednesday 13th February at the Resource for London, Holloway Road.

We will be hosting one of the sessions which will focus on the topic of "Protecting and implementing your brand in the digital age". The session hosted by Stuart Cripps-Schnoor and Marcel van den Boogaard will deal specifically with how can the right brand management strategy and platform help protect, implement and drive consistency for brands both internally and externally? It will explore challenges faced by the organisations we work with and how the right solution can empower staff and save valuable time, budget and resource.

It promises to be an informative and inspiring day designed with charities in mind and will have sessions throughout the day for different types - small and large, advanced and beginners, to help them get the most out of their digital performance.

Whether you're trustee, a CEO, a volunteer or a manager, the streams have been developed to help you learn actionable takeaways to improve the way your charity operates.

To find out more or book a ticket visit: https://www.charitydigitaltechconference.uk/2019

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